lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014


Si miras bien 
"En el patio de tierra que hay al fondo de tu casa, el que tiene roto el muro, con su estanque redondo de quietas aguas, no muy hondo, y aquel banco de hierro antiguo y duro,entre las hojas de las matas de guayabas y de mangos, tan oscuras, ¿no están ocultas todas las criaturas salvajes, y bandidos y piratas y las más increíbles aventuras?
No es preciso ir muy lejos para tener con uno el vasto mundo. Si miras bien, en un segundo acudirá al estanque, a sus reflejos, el abismo estrellado, el muy profundo". 
Elíseo Diego (Poeta cubano)
 It was Saint George´s School 2014 Science Fair main issue, a fair that highlighted the importance of contextualize the research made by students in a concrete surrounding and recognize that Science is not related only to Nature aspects, but to human surroundings as well. 
This was proved by the diversity of projects realized in water quality of the school´s basin, plants and birds diversity, recyclable materials versatility, archaeological findings in the area, sounding landscape; projects in which students have been working for several months, carrying out fieldtrips, samplings, doing photograph registration and using their camp dairies, accompanied by the teachers.
The different projects observed by institutions and parents, focus their objectives and research questions in aspects like:
·         Is the water of the school drinkable?
·         Identify and compare de variety of plants at a living machine and in a  natural wetland
·         In which place of the school can we find more bird biodiversity; top of the school or back of the school?
·          According with the bird species found at school, which is the proper bird watching station that we need?
·         Is there any presence of macro invertebrates at the school surroundings?
·         What type leafs represents the schools vegetation?
·         How can we improve our environment at school, making it beautiful?
·         What kind of species is adequate to our climate and altitude?
·         Which are the sounds that represent the soundscape at Saint George?
·         Which human activities impact the moorland ecosystems?
·         What cultural and social incidences did the Quimbaya culture had in our society?.

The results amazed all our visitors: even though  the creek water is not drinkable, it possess good conditions to shelter different type of aquatic fauna, bacteria’s were found in stagnant water, but not in the flowing stream due to the higher level of oxygen. There are approximately 30 species of birds, most of them are seedeaters and another important group are insectivores and frugivorous, whose presence is noticed on trees;  only two species of hummingbirds has been identified located “at the top of the school” because they are related with a type of plant found there. The place which present a higher number of birds is “back of the school” therefore, it’s the place where the birds observation station will be installed. The living machine has allowed our students to observe aquatic diversity of life, describing it. In the fieldtrip to the National Natural Park of  Nevados, we verify that moorlands ecosystem is vital in our municipality water conservation, but it also contains endangered species like the condor ( that the student could appreciate)  danta, and spectacle bear and other.
Bravo Saint George for and excellent Science Fair!

Our School Garden

During this week the students of second grade started organizing the garden they will do for the school in order to beautify the school environment.
During this activity the students were really motivated and concentrated on planting and caring the garden. Also, they realized that they have to motivate and make aware the Saint George students to care of this garden that as they said is something they made for their second home.

Cuando se da un vistazo al pasado, no encontramos que no somos más que la colcha de retazos de la que fue nuestra historia, historia que estuvo compuesta por unas poblaciones que nos dejaron como herencia mucho de lo cual somos hoy.
Los Quimbayas un pueblo ancestral que ocupo parte del territorio que hoy es conocido como Pereira, aportaron para esta colcha de retazos no solo lo aguerrido de su raza, sino también la manera como se apropiaban del medio y de lo que este les brindaba para poder sobrevivir, su obras ornamentales, elaboradas con oro, y la extracción de la sal del río Consotá.
El día de ayer en la FERIA DE LA CIENCIA, el Colegio Saint George tuvo el placer de mostrarle a su público, un trabajo elaborado por cuatro estudiantes sobre esta cultura, trabajo que resaltaba no solo la ubicación, si no los aportes de esta a nuestra sociedad, y la importancia que tiene conocer de dónde venimos. 

El pasado viernes 7 de marzo, celebramos el día de la mujer en el Saint George School. Los estudiantes del colegio prepararon un acto conmemorativo en el cual las palomas volaron entre nubes, el humor fue el plato fuerte y una rosa como adorno sirvió de excusa para ver más hermosas a nuestras mujeres Saint George. Felicidades en su día a todas las mujeres que con su pujanza y voluntad mantienen viva la llama de la comprensión y el afecto en nuestra comunidad.

Durante esta semana, los estudiantes de origami, tuvieron la oportunidad de hacer un kuzudama en forma de estrella. Dicha forma, se compone de 6 piezas de diversos colores, de igual forma han hecho cubos y esperamos hacer diferentes formas en las próximas clases.
Easter Begins

According to the Colombian Constitution, Colombia is a catholic country. In the catholic religion Easter is the most important celebration; therefore, the first day of Easter could not be overlooked at Saint George School. On Wednesday march 5th, a catholic priest visited our school in order to develop something which is a tradition the first day of Easter. The “Santa Ceniza” was applied by the priest to whoever had catholic convictions. Moreover, our lovely coworkers from the restaurant prepared special menus for those who were respecting the tradition of not eating red meats during these sacred days.

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